Notary Supplies – Required vs. Desired

As with any service business, there are some supplies that are essential to the performance of your duties. In addition, there are supplies that will certainly make doing your job easier but are not required by your state. As with your notary commission, the requirements vary by state. You could search the internet to find the requirements for your state, or you can let the experts guide you.

You should choose a company that has extensive experience serving notaries nationwide and is, therefore, familiar with the requirements of each state. When you choose a full-service company, they can process your new or renewal notary application, secure the bond and insurance, and provide the required and optional supplies that you need for your notary business. Such a company can provide you with the guidance you need to obtain the necessary notary supplies and can offer advice as to which optional supplies they would recommend. If you are going to conduct your business from an office, what you will want and need will be different from someone that provides mobile notary services. 


  • Official State Notary Certificate/Commission       
  • Notary Stamp/Seal
  • Notary Bond & Insurance (varies by state)


  • Certificate Stamps     
  • Custom Signature Stamps
  • Custom Stamps           
  • Dater Stamps
  • Stock Title Stamps      
  • Notary Recording Journals & Receipt Books
  • Security & Privacy Supplies    
  • Supply Cases, Totes & Pouches            
  • Ink Pads & Refill Inks 
  • Nameplates, Badges & Signs

Choosing a well-established company that deals with many types of notaries across the country is a wise move. You can count on them to provide you with the best recommendations for the notary supplies you will need based on their numerous years of experience.


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